
We Put Our Investors First


When we say we put our investors first, we mean it. Our Executive Team and Advisory Board have millions of dollars invested in Lukrom iFund in a “First Loss” position.

Lukrom investment risk pyramid showing less risk from investor funds to real estate equity at the top


Although we don’t anticipate any losses, this First Loss Commitment will absorb any potential losses that extend beyond the real estate equity of the borrowers. NO OTHER FUND IS DOING THIS!

Find Those that have what you want. Do what they do and get what they’ve got. Here is a sample portfolio from the ultra-high net worth group Tiger 21


Safety of Principal

REIT Tax Advantages


Excellent Returns with Low Volatility


Reliable Income or Wealth Generation

Lukrom iFund LP

Lukrom iFund LP

A Private Credit Fund Secured by Real Estate Exclusively for Accredited Investors

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